Alouistore is always wandering to find out what cat lovers need to know to keep their cats healthy and happy.

Ten most expensive cat breeds in the world

The number of cat breeds has increased in recent years by dozens of times. Anyone can now choose for himself the animal according to its external appe

Anyone can now choose for himself the animal according to its external appearance, characteristics, and lifestyle, but the price of some rare breeds depends on several factors, and the price can range from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. 

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Let's start now by talking about the most expensive cat breeds in the world.

1-Scottish Fold Cat

This breed appeared recently, and it is wonderful that it managed to be the favorite breed of many in a short period of time. 

It became understood from the name itself that the breed is distinguished by its distinctive ears and is distinguished in front of other cats by its calm nature. 

Farmer William Ross discovered the history of the emergence of this breed in 1961. Buying one of these cats will cost you over $ 3,000.

Scottish Fold Cat
Scottish Fold Cat

2-British shorthair cat

The British cat breed is one of the most popular cats in Britain but has gradually captured the hearts of cat lovers all over the world. 

In short, the British shorthair cat is one of the oldest breeds in the world, and it is believed that the British cat appeared due to the crossbreeding of European wild cats with the Egyptian cats that were brought by the Romans to Britain during the conquest, but this official origin of this breed begins at the end of the nineteenth century.

 Buying one of these cats will cost you over $ 1500

British shorthair cat
British shorthair cat

 3-Russian blue cat

The name may indicate the origin of this breed, and it is not that simple. In one account, the English sailors brought this strain to a Russian who bought fur from the Archen Glick region and local products.

And they brought with them strange cats with soft blue fur, and it turned out that they hunt mice beautifully and can withstand the bitter cold, and this strain is also characterized by intelligence and love to play.

Buying one of these cats will cost you over $ 3,000

Russian blue cat

Russian blue cat

4-The Pharaonic Cat

If you want to raise a unique cat that does not resemble similar cats, then you must choose the Pharaonic cat. 

This strange breed has become famous on a large scale and the reason is due to its external appearance, it is one of the few breeds that are considered completely without fur, of course, the absence of fur necessitates the person Who bought it to care more about it than other cats that have furs in terms of personal hygiene. 

You will have to spend $ 3000 to acquire a kitten that carries the original blood of this breed


The Pharaonic Cat
The Pharaonic Cat

5-Peterbald cat

This strain is considered one of the modern breeds, as it appeared at the hands of specialists in the nineties of the last century as a result of the marriage of a male "Dunspinx" cat from a female "oriental cat with short hair". 

Scientists the studied cats from "San Pinterest" were able to obtain the first production of this strain, and the result exceeded all expectations. 

They got a graceful, classy cat with a sharp ear and an active personality who loves to play. 

The Peterbald breed is the inheritor of the smooth skin of the "Dunsoftex" cat, and the larger size inherits it from the eastern cats.

 Buying one of these cats will cost you $ 5000.


Peterbald cat
Peterbald cat

6-The Persian cat

 The Persian cat is one of the most famous and oldest cat breeds, its roots extend back to the seventeenth century. 

The ancestors of Persian cats appeared in Asia and became famous in Turkey and Britain. The Persian cat has long fur and no other cat can match it in fur. 

The Persian cat family is considered one of the most famous breeds in the world so its face is distinguished from other cats by its different divisions, and many cat lovers love abundant fur. The increasing popularity of this breed causes its popularity.

Buying one of this breed can cost you between $ 5000 and $ 6000


The Persian cat

The Persian cat

7-Allerca cat

We warn you from the beginning. 

First, you must remember that the cat belongs to the Allerca breed, whether it is allergic or not, an American company, livest style bits, has produced a new breed called Allerca, this cat can solve the problems of many people who love cats but suffer from allergies. 

Because of its fur, it has been declared that the Allerca cat does not provoke allergies because it does not secrete the enzymes that cause allergies, until the absence of the allergen could not be proven, in addition, that, court cases have been registered against the owners of the companies because these cats that are supposed to not cause allergies to provoke skin irritation To everyone who touches her. 

It is believed, until the present moment, that the cats of this breed secrete a few defeats that cause sensitivity to this. 

This breed is considered one of the most expensive and so far it enjoys great popularity among allergy sufferers and families with children.

 Buying one of these cats will cost you over $ 6000

Allerca cat
Allerca cat

8-Bengal cat

These cats are distinguished by their wild exterior appearance, and the spots in their fur are reminiscent of leopards.

Its approximate shape to wild cats gives this strain a special value, this strain appeared as a result of mixing Asian wild cats with domestic cats. 

The result exceeded all expectations. This breed loves to hunt. 

It is important to be convinced that your cat is within four generations of its ancestors, leopards. The Bengal cat is predatory, but its character is devoid of aggression. 

These were the most important conditions for crossbreeding cats. To obtain this breed, specialists advise purchasing the Bengal cat from reputable fairs.

 Buying one of these strains will cost you $ 6000 on average, but up to $ 20000 sometimes.

Bengal cat
Bengal cat

9-Savannah cat

This subspecies has a wild exterior. The Savannah cat is a cross between a wild African serval cat and a domestic cat.


The owners of this breed say that the Savannah is more like a dog than a cat, but the character and behavior are similar to cats, and the Savannah is considered one of the smartest cats in the world.

Purchasing one of these cats will cost you between $ 10,000 and $ 50,000

Savannah cat
Savannah cat

10-Ashira cats

One thousand dollars to buy the Ashera cat, the most expensive cat breed in the world. 

Achira cats came by crossbreeding. Crossbreeding was with the participation of several species, including the serval cat, the Asian cat, and the domestic cat. 

Cats of this breed are famous for their sincerity and attachment to their owner and they are of a great degree of intelligence, many skeptics believe that the cats of this breed do not exist and all this is a ploy of marketing tricks, company owners are confident of the originality of this breed and advise anyone who wants to buy a cat from this breed To be careful.

Because of the high price of Ashira, traders resort to many tricks, such as they sell the Savannah cat which is cheaper on the basis that it is of the Ashera cat breed.

Ashira cats
Ashira cats

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