Alouistore is always wandering to find out what cat lovers need to know to keep their cats healthy and happy.

Savannah cat

Savannah cat ... a rare breed that is a hybrid between the African Serval cat and a domestic cat. Savannah is a difficult and profitable partner.

 savannah cat

Savannah cat ... a rare breed that is a hybrid between the African Serval cat and a domestic cat. Savannah is a difficult and profitable partner.

If you want a low-noise cat who beats all day while indulging in Netflix, consider examples of adopting a Savannah cat. 

This breed has a lot of strength and desire for physical and intellectual stimulation.

Savannah is a smaller breed than the African Serial, with about half the weight or less.

For a hardworking human who is in keeping with this cat's desires, the savanna makes it a loving and energetic member of the family who has a lot of affection to offer. 

The Savannah breed is quickly becoming a very popular cat lover in the world

The International Cat Association (TICA) began registering the Savannah in 2001. The organization granted the breed full recognition in 2012.

See below for a complete list of the Traits of Savannah Cat Breeds!


Savannah cat
Savannah cat

Read more: Pharaoh cat (Sphynx cats)

1-Description of a savanna cat
2-Savannah cat interbreed
3-Common health problems
4-Savannah cat behavior
5-Savannah cats care
6-Children And Other Pets

1-Description of a savanna cat

This breed of Savannah cats is descended from the Serval cats - a type of wild animal - and domestic cats, which gave them a special appearance, distinct personality, and also difficult to raise as pets.

Mostly, they are very expensive and hard to find, and these cats are distinguished by their ears, have been inherited from the African Serval cats, and are completely above their head and upright.

And they have very distinct eyes that are pulled out, and this eye shape contrasts with the shape of domestic cats' eyes that are completely round, and their tears and tear line are black or brown in color, and these cats often have a back eye located behind the ear.

So that the fur behind the ear is colored in a way that mimics the colors of the eye, and this ghost eye is used for defensive functions, such as confusing enemies from predators, so when you fight a savanna, he straightens his ears to show these phantom eyes as a warning to his opponent, this eye is a type of camouflage for animals.

Read more: Scottish fold cat 

The savannah cat is distinguished by its fur that resembles the fur of the African cat, and it can be brown, silver, or golden with dark spots, and the shape of the spots is round, oval, or rectangular, and has striped spots that extend along its back, while the spots on its face and feet are smaller, and it is of medium size And as the savanna cat breeds, its size decreases.

Only a purebred Savannah of the first generation can weigh from 15 to 28 pounds, and sometimes a Savannah cat may be the same size as a domestic cat except that they have a long tail that makes them appear larger.


Savannah cat
Savannah cat

2-Savannah cat interbreed

Savannah cat is a unique hybrid cat known for its bright personality, he married a male serval cat with a domestic cat.

Serval cat is a type of wild cat, that prefers to live in areas with vegetation and close to bodies of water, and is usually found in savannah forests, or in wetlands.

With a relatively large size and 54-62 cm in length, it is a fast and flexible cat, and the nocturnal hunter that preys on birds and small mammals such as rodents and hares.

The Savannah cat took on many characteristics of the Serval cat, especially the size, as the first and second generations of the Savannah cat were larger compared to the later generations due to the strong influence of the Serval cat genes.

Also as physical characteristics, where the first and second generation possesses most of the distinctive features in the appearance of the Serval cat, but it decreases in the later generations, where the Serval cat is raised with a domestic cat to produce the first generation and then the Savannah cats start mating with each other, but as a problem for any hybrid animal, the Infertility limits the success of experiments as it has been observed that infertility appears again around the fifth generation.

There are many difficulties facing the production of the first generation, including the difference in the period of pregnancy between a Serval cat and a domestic cat.

The duration of pregnancy varies, even if they are of the same type, and babies are often aborted. 

"They are born prematurely" and these cats often do not want to mate with domestic cats.


Savannah cat behavior
                                                  Savannah cat behavior


3-Common health problems

Savannah cats are generally healthy and should be given regular preventive veterinary treatment visits.

They are more prone to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy than domestic cats. 

A common heart condition in cats causes a thickening of the left ventricle of the heart, which can lead to heart failure.

Also, hybrid male infertility is expected until the fourth generation or later.

4-Savannah cat behavior

The Savannah cat is known for its loyalty, it follows its owner around the house, and can be trained to walk and tied with ropes like a dog.

A Savannah cat is friendly and social with strangers, cats, and more. But some of them are hiding from them.

One of the observed behaviors of a Savannah cat is his ability to jump high, as his jump reaches a height of 2.5 meters, it is famous for jumping over the door, refrigerators, and cupboards, which are curious creatures, and they learn how to open doors and safes, and anyone who owns a savanna cat must take precautions so that it does not fall The cat is in trouble.

A Savannah cat is not afraid of water, it plays with it and can indulge in it, and some of its owners bathe with their Savannah cat.

Offering a bowl of water to a Savannah cat can be a challenge because they like to hit the water until the bowl is empty, and the sound of a Savannah cat maybe like the sound of a serval cat, a domestic cat's meow, or a combination of the two, and the sound may sound unfamiliar to some people.

5-Savannah cats care

Getting a Savannah cat is very difficult, in addition to being very expensive, and it is a rare animal, and many cat stores do not have this type, so it needs a lot of research.

But if anyone can get this cat, there are some notes from experienced breeders:

Some Savannah cat breeders say that there are no special care or specific dietary requirements for this type of cat, while there are some that require a customized diet that does not include grains or by-products.

He also recommends a diet that contains whole or partially raw food and consists of at least 32% protein and no byproducts. 

He also recommends calcium and supplements, especially for cats and early hybrid generations.

However, some of them say that it is unnecessary and may be harmful, but most of these breeders believe that taurine is very important for these cats and this substance is a type of amino acid, as they need it at a greater rate than domestic cats. Therefore they recommend it as a dietary supplement. For any kind of food.

Savannah cat
Savannah cat

6-Children And Other Pets

An active and social Savannah can also be a sincere choice for families with older children and cat-friendly dogs.

She loves to play, learns tricks with ease, and appreciates the attention she receives from children who treat her politely and with respect.

If you are away during the day, it is probably a sincere idea to equip your Savannah with a companion, another Savannah, another cat breed, or even a dog.

Most Savannahs get along well with dogs, especially if you grow up with them. Otherwise, an adjustment period may be necessary for both the Savannah and the dog.

Introduce them gradually, and make sure they are always in restraint until you are sure that they have come to a friendly understanding.

With other cats, Savannahs work best with breeds that have either a uniform character and a level of activity such as a "turkey cat, a Siamese cat, an oriental shorthair cat, or more relaxed cats such as a Maine Coon, a Ragdolls cat, or a domestic shorthair cat" who He would yawn nicely as they watched the savannahs swing on the chandelier.

Some pets are not safe with this stealthy cat. Consider having a savanna if you don't have "pets or pocket animals like hamsters, mice, guinea pigs, or mice; or an aquarium overcrowded with fish."

Savannah can also be a really great bounty hunter and probably should skip any guarantees you simply decided to put in place.


  • Wild in appearance, after acclimatization to living at home as a domesticated cat
  • Affectionate and sociable with other pets and respectful children
  • Very smart and trainable clicker
  • Don't hate water


  • Some countries prohibit ownership of savanna cats
  • A rare breed that is difficult to adopt or buy
  • Prone to some form of heart disease, cardiomyopathy

I hope I explained the information well about this breed. 

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See you with another breed.

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