Alouistore is always wandering to find out what cat lovers need to know to keep their cats healthy and happy.

Persian cat

Despite the fact that Persian cats will generally be loose and gentle, they command the quality of the Sovereign. They may not be in a hurry to grumbl

We often see the Persian cat in white, but this is just one of the colors of the rainbow that the Persian cat breed comes in, which includes almost all the shades of colors seen in domestic cats.

 The Persian cat has high adaptability and affection, but this breed is moderate in terms of its ability to deal with dogs, strangers, and children. 

Persian cats perform best in quiet places away from the noise, and if you ask for our opinion, the Persian cat is the ideal one at home.

See all the traits of a Persian cat with Alouistore below.

the persian cat
the Persian cat

1- History
6-Fur color and outline

Read more: Are there different types of Persian cats?


The Persian cat is a very old breed. It wouldn't be surprising that long-haired beauties originated in the cradle of civilization, Mesopotamia, later known as Persia, and now modern Iran. 

The breed's long hair was probably the result of a natural mutation, and its striking appearance attracted the attention of the 17th-century Italian noble and world traveler Pietro Della Valle, who is credited with bringing the first longhair cats to Europe in 1626. 

At that time the cats were It has soft, shiny gray fur. Until the late nineteenth century, when cat breeding and display became commonplace, long-haired cats from Persia, Turkey, Afghanistan, and other exotic locations were known simply as "Asian" cats and were often bred together. 

At the Crystal Palace Cat Exposition in 1871. Persian cats were among the breeds on display. They were popular pets at the time and had a special character due to Queen Victoria's fondness for the breed.

Through selective breeding, pet fanciers have begun to shape the Persian for its current appearance. They have raised cats so that they have round heads, short faces, predatory noses, full cheeks, small, round ears, large eyes, and a powerful body. 

Their fur was longer than that of an angora cat, and they had shorter legs. The Persians soon surpassed the Angora in popularity. 

In the United States, where it was first imported in the late nineteenth century, it also became a favorite, surpassing the long-haired Maine Coon cat, the Persian has become the most beloved cat breed in the world, which is known for its good looks and sweet personality.

The terms "traditional" and "doll-faced" Persian cat are fairly recent after the original Persian cat acquired extreme features that altered its shape. 

Since many breeders around the world have established a standard for the Persian cat differently, a method of classification based on the shape of the face was developed as a result of two genetic mutations without changing the name of the breed of "Persian" cats as follows:


This type is the result of genetic mutations that occurred for the original type, which led to the obliteration of the cat's face, although this type was preferred by the breeders of these cats, it causes many problems, the most important of which is the distortion of the tear duct and the cat's breathing path.

Read more: What breed are my Persian cats?

 Doll Face:

It is the description of the original breed of Persian cats before genetic developments occurred.

There have been many attempts to improve the breed of Persian cats, but all of them were rejected to some extent by lovers and breeders of these cats, and among the resulting types are the following.

the Persian cat
the Persian cat

 The Himalayan cat: 

In the 1950s, the Siamese cat was crossed with the Persians to create a breed with a Persian Siamese body type, and it was called "Himalayan".

Read more:  The most beautiful types of Shirazi cats and how to take care of them?"

 Short-haired intruder cat:

Where the Persian cat breed was crossed with the American short-haired cat, and although the International Cat Association accepts them as Persian cats, other associations register them as a separate breed.

The cup cat:

"the game cat", is a small Persian cat with many names, including "palm-sized cats" and "pocket cats" due to their small size, and this type suffers from severe health problems and short life.


  • This is a medium-sized cat. A mare as a base has a weight of 7 to 12 pounds.
  • Average lifespan: 10 to 15 years.


A respected and obedient Persian is known for being calm and kind. They are adornments for any home where she can have fun sitting on a lap. 

Those with the acumen enough to recognize her super qualities play at home with the cute kids who gently brush her hair, and drive her around the stroller, they keep their attention on the family members and the few guests who feel they can trust Them.

Noisy weather is not Persian. They are sober cats that prefer a quiet home. With large, expressive eyes and a voice described as soft, fun, and musical, the Persians let the knowledge of their simple needs, regular meals, little toys with catnip or feathered humor, and plenty of love they return tenfold. 

Unlike many other cats, the Persian cat cannot jump in the air or even jump from one piece of furniture to another. This is due to its solid and full body structure, as its body is not dynamic or graceful, so it usually prefers to stay on the ground steadily.

Read more: What is the rarest color of Persian cats?

4- health

Each of the lineage cats has varying states of health problems that may be hereditary in nature. Although beautiful and adorable, Persians are vulnerable to several potential health issues:

  • Difficulty breathing or noisy breathing is caused by narrowed nostrils.
  • Dental malocclusion means that the teeth do not mesh well together.
  • Excessive tearing.
  • Eye conditions such as cherry eye and entropion.
  • Sensitivity to heat.
  • Olossia seborrhea is a skin condition that causes itching, redness, and hair loss.
  • Polycystic kidney disease is an inherited condition that causes the cysts in the kidneys to degenerate and dysfunctional. 
  • It can affect one or both kidneys. Signs of the disease initially appear between the ages of 7 and 10, although it may appear earlier in some cats.

Read more: Bengal cat


Undoubtedly, the Persian cat should enjoy daily care. The first thing his hair needs to be combed is this lovely long coat that doesn't stay clean and tangle-free on its own. It should be gently but thoroughly combed and cleaned every day, and regular bathing - at least once a month. Another factor to consider is the litter box issue. 

A litter may settle in paws or a Persian coat. If the cat and the litter box are not kept meticulously clean, the Persian will likely stop using the litter box.

Excessive tearing may be a problem with this strain, so wipe the corners of the eyes and clean them daily to prevent patches from forming under the eyes. Brush your teeth to prevent gum disease. 

Weekly brushing is better than nothing. Persian cats need a good diet to stay healthy, cat food should be consistent, that is, give them the same amount of food every time. Corn should be avoided because Persian cats do not digest it easily. And like other cats, the Persian cat also eats what they like. Your cat may want to eat something the other cat does not want. Just as humans differ from each other in their tastes, so Persian cats also differ in their tastes.

6-Fur color and outline

We often see the Persian cat in white, but this is just one of the colors of the rainbow that the Persian cat breed comes in, which includes almost all the shades seen in domestic cats, the main exception is a bluish-gray color that is very common in Persian cats during the Victorian era But it no longer exists.

For genetic reasons, we rarely find a Persian cat in orange ... Imagine, if you will, seven sections of one color - white, blue, black, red, cream, chocolate, and purple - in addition to the silver and gold division colors of chinchilla and shaded silver or gold, chinchilla blue and blue Shaded in silver or gold. 

Then there are the shaded, smoky, grumpy, calico, colored, and bicolor sections. This does not include, for example, White Persians have deep blue or shiny copper eyes; Other Persians of solid colors have gorgeous copper eyes, Silver and Gold Persians have green or blue-green eyes, And so on.

Read more: Scottish fold cat 

I hope I explained the information well about this breed. 
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See you with another breed.

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