Alouistore is always wandering to find out what cat lovers need to know to keep their cats healthy and happy.

8 dangerous foods for cats

It is quite natural to want to please your cat by giving it foods that change it from its usual croquettes or mash. But you have to be extremely caref

8 dangerous foods for cats

It is natural to want to please your cat by giving it foods that change it from its usual croquettes or mash. But you have to be extremely careful. 

Some foods are very dangerous for cats. Giving the leftovers of his meal to his feline can be a very bad idea!

Here are some examples of foods to avoid.

8 dangerous foods for cats
 8 dangerous foods for cats

Read more: Can cats eat eggs?

1- Piped and stone fruits
2- Canned tuna
3- Chocolate
4- Onions
5- Potatoes, cabbage, and turnips
6- Mushrooms
7- The Lawyer
8- Nuts

1- Piped and stone fruits

Apples, apricots, pears, grapes, cherries...

the pits or pips contained in these fruits are dangerous for cats because they contain cyanogenic glycoside, an agent that can poison animals.

Read more: What Human Foods Can Cats Eat?

2- Canned tuna

Giving your cat canned tuna regularly is not a good idea. Indeed, it is far too salty, and in the long term risks causing severe kidney problems.

In addition, canned tuna does not contain taurine, an essential acid for the heart but also the vision of felines.

3- Chocolate

8 dangerous foods for cats
 8 dangerous foods for cats

Want to give a treat to your little friend? Forget the idea of ​​chocolate! 
This one is indeed very bad for cats, as for dogs. 

It contains theobromine, a compound that disrupts the nervous system, damages the heart, and that their metabolism cannot eliminate.

Too much chocolate can kill your pet.

4- Onions

Raw onions are toxic to cats due to the sulfur derivatives they contain. These act on the red blood cells of the animal, and cause vomiting, anemia, and tachycardia.

5- Potatoes, cabbage, and turnips

These vegetables ferment in the animal's stomach and cause gas and diarrhea. 
Raw potatoes contain calcium oxalate, which damages the urinary tract of animals.

Read more: 4 tips to add fun to your cat's meals

6- Mushrooms

Some mushrooms are toxic, and like in humans, they can cause severe liver and neurological problems, or in the worst cases, lead to death.

7- The Lawyer

Avocado contains persin, a toxic element that can damage the heart and lungs of animals.

Read more: Benefits of catnip for cats

8- Nuts

Because of their high phosphorus content and difficult digestion in animals, nuts should be avoided.

Macadamia nuts can also cause a high fever, weaken your companion, and increase his heart rate. Nutmegs can cause hallucinations when ingested in large quantities.

The right products for your cat

Your cat may love canned tuna, chocolate, or even licking leftovers off plates, but beware: these foods, and others, are toxic to your pet! 

It is better to know this and opt for food that is fully adapted to your needs, to avoid any unpleasant surprises. Choosing quality products, from big brands… 

Or treats specifically for cats are a good way to please them while preserving their health. 

Take the time to discover our selection of products, available for purchase on the Internet.

I hope I explained the information well. 

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