Alouistore is always wandering to find out what cat lovers need to know to keep their cats healthy and happy.

Corneal ulcers in cats

A corneal ulcer in cats is a more or less extensive lesion of the surface of the eye. This frequent pathology in felines is painful and, without treat

Corneal ulcers in cats

A corneal ulcer in cats is a more or less extensive lesion of the eye's surface. 
This frequent pathology in felines is painful and, without treatment, can lead to loss of the eye. 

The causes of corneal ulcers in cats are varied, from trauma to infection with a herpes virus. 
The treatment can be medical (instillation of eye drops) or surgical.

Beauty is everywhere in nature, especially in the eyes of cats. But this little gem of beauty and technicality (it even works in the dark!) is also fragile. 
Fights, accidents, infections, and the eyes of our feline friends are put to the test... 

Among the many eye pathologies, a cat's corneal ulcer is one of the most common. But what exactly are we talking about?

Corneal ulcers in cats
 Corneal ulcers in cats

1- What is a corneal ulcer in cats?
2-What are the symptoms of a corneal ulcer in cats?
3-How to treat a cat corneal ulcer?
4- Zoom on herpes virus ulcers in cats

1- What is a corneal ulcer in cats?

Let's start with a little anatomy... Basically, the cat's eye is a sphere. 
The bottom is lined by the retina, connected to the optic nerve and the brain. Inside, we find the iris which gives its pretty color to the eye and the lens which is used to focus. 

The anterior part is covered with a thin transparent layer (0.5 mm) which allows light to pass through; it's the cornea.

The cornea is made up of 3 layers: the epithelium (the outermost), the stroma (the thickest), and the endothelium. The cat's cornea does not contain blood vessels (hence its transparency). 

On the other hand, it contains many nerves, which makes it a very sensitive tissue.

Normally, the cornea, and particularly the epithelium, serves as a protective barrier to the eye against microbes and small dirt.

A cat's corneal ulcer is a hollow lesion of this transparent "skin", like a scratch or a bite. It can be superficial (affecting only the epithelium) or deeper. 

When it reaches the endothelium, there is a risk of perforation of the eye.

Read more: How do I know if my cat is bored?

The main causes of feline corneal ulcers are:

  • Traumatic: a fight between cats, bite on a bush...
  • Chemicals: projection of a corrosive liquid on the eye.
  • Infectious: often linked to a herpes virus but secondary bacterial. infections are possible. It is the first cause of ulcers in cats.

2-What are the symptoms of a corneal ulcer in cats?

The signs of corneal ulcers in cats are often intense and sudden. 
The animal suddenly presents with a closed eye with a clear discharge. 

His pupil may be constricted. These symptoms are due to the pain caused by the erosion of the cornea.

Depending on the origin of the ulcer, other symptoms may be associated, such as sneezing, conjunctivitis, stuffy nose, or fever in the case of coryza.

The cat ulcer is often not visible to the naked eye, even when it is quite extensive. 
To make the diagnosis, the veterinarian instills a dye in the eyes which attaches to the surface of the ulcer and thus makes it appear. 

This maneuver is not always easy because of the pain caused by ulcerative lesions.

Corneal ulcers in cats
 Corneal ulcers in cats

3-How to treat a cat corneal ulcer?

If the ulcer is superficial, eye drops based on antibiotics or antivirals and healing agents are prescribed. The installations must be very regular for at least a week.

Some drops based on anti-inflammatories are totally contraindicated in the case of corneal ulcers in cats, this is why it is not recommended to use eye drops without medical advice in an animal.

The treatment can be supplemented by oral painkillers and a collar to avoid scratching which could aggravate the corneal ulcer.

If the lesion is deep, then a graft (of conjunctiva or biomaterial) must be used to fill the hole. 

In the event of confirmed or imminent perforation of the cornea, intervention by a veterinary ophthalmologist is recommended as an emergency under penalty of loss of the eye.

4- Zoom on herpes virus ulcers in cats

The feline herpes virus is one of the microorganisms responsible for coryza in cats (along with reoviruses, caliciviruses, and chlamydia). 

It is the cause of conjunctivitis and corneal ulcers of often characteristic shapes (geography map or tree branch). 

The virus infects the epithelium of the cornea and multiplies there to give these typical lesions. It may affect one or both eyes. Herpes virus infection in cats can also be accompanied by rhinitis.

The particularity of the herpes virus is that it can “hide” in the body and reappear due to a drop in immunity (stress, fatigue, infection, etc.). 

As a result, a cat may present several ulcer attacks in its life. The ulcer can also become chronic; the eye is then modified (cloudy cornea, presence of blood vessels).

The virus can be demonstrated by a PCR test on a conjunctival smear for a definitive diagnosis.
The treatment calls upon antiviral drugs in a local way and, possibly, systemically. 

As no antiherpetics have been developed for felines, your veterinarian will prescribe eye drops and tablets that can be used in humans.

As you will have understood, it is better to prevent corneal ulcers linked to the feline herpes virus by vaccinating your cat against coryza from the age of 2 months and by not forgetting the reminders!

In any case, in the event of a closed eye, rapid treatment of the animal is essential. This sign of ophthalmic pain can hide a corneal ulcer in cats.

I hope I explained the information well. 

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