Alouistore is always wandering to find out what cat lovers need to know to keep their cats healthy and happy.

10 Rare Cat Breeds You May Know Nothing About

Are you looking for a cat to add to your home? Cats can be great sources of company and simply fun to have around.

 1- Kurilian Bobtail Cat

This is a natural bred cat that occurred from a mutation. This is a cat that is native to the Kuril Islands, located between Russia and Japan.

Due to its location, this cat is an excellent fish and hunter. However, it is known for its high intelligence and the gentle companionship it can offer humans as well!

This is not a breed that is recognized by many organizations, however, there are short hair and long-haired versions that do exist in the world!

Kurilian Bobtail Cat
Kurilian Bobtail Cat

 2- Serengeti Cat

This breed was created by crossing a Bengal cat with an Oriental Shorthair. There is no wildcat blood in these cats, so there are no worries there! These cats are really shy at first. However, once they warm up to a person they are quick to love. 

And they have been known to try to “help” their owners with tasks in their home. These are a very high-energy breed, and they are super agile, meaning that they need a lot of exercise!

Serengeti Cat
Serengeti Cat

3- Napoleon Cat

This cat has super long fur and is categorized with short legs. They are a cross between a Munchkin and a Persian cat. They have round heads and thick bodies often giving them an innocent look.

Read more: cat sadness

However, they are just as mischievous as another cat that you may bring home. This breed is categorized as being gentle, outgoing, and super affectionate.

Napoleon Cat
Napoleon Cat

4- German Rex Cat

The German Rex is a mutation of the Cornish Rex. This mutation means that it is very similar in personality to the Cornish Rex. This breed is often very playful and kitten-like, even as they become adult cats.

This breed is also extremely curious. This breed almost died out in the 1970s, however, thanks to the breeders in Germany and other countries throughout Europe, it is seeing a comeback.

Read more: Bengal Cats

5- Ojos Azules Cat

This breed was discovered in New Mexico in 1984. Many of these cats in this breed have dark blue eyes. 

This breed was officially recognized in 1991, at the time there were only 10 known cats throughout the world that were considered this breed.

Due to their low population, there is not much known about how their personalities are. However, they are reported to be very affectionate and friendly. This breed is one that geneticists are still working on to see if this is viable.

Ojos Azules Cat
Ojos Azules Cat

6- Peterbald Cat

The Peterbald is a hairless cat. However, there are a few of these cats that do have some coat texture. 
They are super affectionate and intelligent. 

The one drawback is that these cats do require a lot of special care. They are not to be allowed outdoors due to their skin, and they must be kept warm during the colder weather. 

They also have a high metabolism and require more food than a regular cat.

Peterbald Cat
           Peterbald Cat

7- Burmilla Cat

This is a cross between a Burmese and a Chincilla. This breed was officially recognized as a breed in 1995. They are very lively and mischievous as kittens. 

But, as they grow they become very loving cats. Most of those who meet these cats for the first time are struck by their beauty as they have super soft hair and a touch of elegance in their demeanor. 

In addition, they are very friendly when they meet strangers.

Burmilla Cat

                    Burmilla Cat

8- Sokoke Cat

The Sokoke cat is very independent, however, they are super trainable. Many of those who have these cats are able to take them out on the leash, as they are highly energetic and love to be doing something.

This breed is native to Kenya. It stands out from other cats thanks to its long legs and the short, dense coat of hair.

Sokoke Cat
Sokoke Cat

9- Minskin Cat

This is another bald cat that many people love to have, especially those who have allergies to other animals. This cat will also have a kitten-like appearance as it is smaller in stature than other cats that can be chosen.

This breed was first developed in 1998 by crossing a Munchkin and a Sphynx. This is a very outgoing breed that is loyal to its owners.

Minskin Cat
Minskin Cat

10- California Spangled Cat

This is a super athletic cat who most will find will want to play with kids or toys as long as possible when at home.

These cats do like to climb, so don’t be surprised to come home to this cat on the highest point possible within the house.

These cats were first bred to bring awareness to the hunting of leopards and other big cats for their skins.

California Spangled Cat
California Spangled Cat

Finding a Rare Breed of Cat

Finding one of these rare bred cats can be difficult, depending upon what part of the world you are living in. 

In most cases, you will have to find someone who breeds these cats and be prepared to pay quite a bit for these unique breeds. 

Many organizations are working with breeders to ensure that each rare breed never gets to the point of extinction!

Tips for Finding the Right Breed for You

So, what is the breed for you? Here are a few tips to help you determine what type of breed of cat you may be perfect for!
  • How much time do you have to devote to a cat?
  • Are you looking for a cat that requires a lot of time on your behalf?
  • Do you have room for an energetic cat?
  • Do you have other pets that the cat will be introduced to?
  • Be sure to look at the known health conditions that some breeds have. This can give you a good idea of what type of things you will have to watch out for as the cat matures.

These are all questions that need to be answered before you decide on which cat you should get. Based on these questions can give you a better understanding of what type of personality you need to find in a cat.

If you were to bypass this and simply go for a breed that you are interested in, it could mean having an unhappy cat and an unhappy home overall.

For example, highly energetic cats that do not have the room to run and play could resort to tearing up items throughout the home.

Cats who are more prone to being alone rather than coupled with other animals could act aggressively towards the other animals.

Be sure that as soon as you get your cat that you make an appointment with your vet. It is imperative to start a good relationship with your vet so that you do have somewhere to turn in the event that health needs arise.

In addition, the sooner the cat starts going to the vet, the more comfortable he or she will be with making this trip.

This means an easier outing for you as well! Rare breeds of cats can make great pets and you are doing your best to keep this breed in the world.

However, never purchase this cat just because of the breed. Always choose based on what you want in a cat, your personality, and what you can offer the cat!

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